What filter would only include data from a campaign titled “Back to School” in Campaign reports?

 What filter would only include data from a campaign titled “Back to School” in Campaign reports?

Answer: Custom Include filter with the field "Campaign Name" and pattern "back to school".

Brief Explanation: 'Include' filters are applied with reverse logic. When you activate an 'Include' filter, the hit is thrown out if the pattern doesn't match the data.
If you applied MULTIPLE 'Include' filters, the hit has to match every applied filter in order to save the hit.

Include & Exclude filters

We use 'Include' and 'Exclude' filters to sift through irrelevant and/or unwanted hits.

To include several patterns for a particular field, develop a single 'Include' filter that consists of all of the individual expressions separated by '|'.

Utilize the Case Sensitive option to specify whether the filter is used with or without case level of sensitivity.

If you use an 'Exclude' Filter and the pattern matches, the hit is thrown away and Analytics continues with the next hit. If the pattern does not match, the next filter is used to that hit.

More about view filters here.

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What filter would only include data from a campaign titled “Back to School” in Campaign reports?

What filter would only include data from a campaign titled “Back to School” in Campaign reports?


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